Thekera Dia Maasor Tenga Recipe

Preparation Time
Difficulty Moderately easy
Occasion Birthday Party
Recipe Type Dinner
Cuisine North East India



Ingredient Quantity Calories Fat Cholestrol
Fish 500 gram 1030.5 61.5 312.5
Turmeric Powder 0.5 tablespoon 3
Green Chillies 1 nos 3.6
Fenugreek Seed 1 teaspoon 2.59 0.04
Cumin Seed 1 teaspoon 7.6 0.42
Fennel 1 teaspoon 7 0.3
Oil 3 tablespoon 725.76 102 0
Salt 1 as required 0
Lemon Juice 2 tablespoon 8
1788.05 164.26 312.5

Preparation Method

  1. 1 Put the "thekera" in a cup of Water. Generally one piece of "Thekera" is good for one cup of Water. So depending on how much gravy you want, use that many pieces. Keep for about 1/2 hour.
  2. 2 Mix the Turmeric Powderr and Salt with the Fish. If you are using chilli powder instead of green Chilies, you can mix it too.
  3. 3 Fry the Fish in Oil lightly. Remove from pan. If the Fish breaks a little, don't worry, it will add to the gravy
  4. 4 In the same pan, heat some more Oil and put the "PansPhoran" mixture. Put green Chilieses. When fried, put the cup of Water with "Thekera"
  5. 5 Add extra cups of Water (depending on the number of "thekera" used)
  6. 6 When the mixture comes to bOil, add fried Fish and reduce flame
  7. 7 Let it simmer for some time (10-15 minutes). Let the Lemon Juice get cooked.